Our Locations
Parks Brothers Funeral Service - Chandler
617 Manvel Avenue
Chandler, OK 74834
Phone: (405) 258-1177
Get directionsOur pledge here at Parks Brothers Funeral Service is to serve families in Meeker, Prague, Stroud and Chandler and the surrounding areas by providing meaningful funeral and cremation services. Our staff is experienced in a variety of funeral services for families of all faiths and cultures, and we always strive to personalize our options to your individual wants, needs, and financial concerns.
Parks Brothers Funeral Service
PHONE: (405) 567-2237
1405 West Main
Prague, OK 74864
Parks Brothers Funeral Service
PHONE: (405) 567-2237
114 South Fowler Street
Meeker, OK 74855
Parks Brothers Funeral Service
PHONE: (918) 968-2577
504 North 8th Avenue
Stroud, OK 74079
Parks Brothers Funeral Service
PHONE: (405) 258-1177
617 Manvel Avenue
Chandler, OK 74834
©Parks Brothers Funeral Service
Funeral Home Website Design By Frazer Consultants & TA